Automobiles are wheeled vehicles that carry people and their possessions. They are fueled by a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine, and are driven by a belt-driven transmission system. Automobiles are the most common mode of transportation, and can be found on almost every road.
They are a major source of air pollution, especially in cities where they can cause traffic congestion. Their large numbers have also contributed to global climate change. Because of these issues, governments are limiting their use, and promoting alternatives such as public transit buses, passenger trains and trams.
The modern automobile was not invented in a single day by a single inventor, but rather through a series of technological advancements. Some of these innovations were patented, while others are not. The first modern automobile was designed by Siegfried Marcus, a German who worked in Vienna in the late 1860s. His invention used a four-stroke, liquid-fueled internal combustion engine that ran on gasoline. He built a prototype with no seats or steering, but the vehicle was not successful.
Another important development came in the early 1880s when Edouard Delamare-Deboutteville and Leon Malandin of France installed an internal combustion engine on a tricycle. Their invention, however, was a failure. During its first test run, the tank hose of the gas engine blew off, causing an explosion. The men never tried to build a working model again, but their patents led to the creation of several other inventors.
Karl Benz of Germany created the first modern automobile in 1886. He built a car with a four-stroke, gasoline-fueled internal combustion engine that was powered by a crankshaft. He called his creation the Benz Patent-Motorwagen. He made a number of improvements to his vehicle over the years, including adding a storage trunk and seats for passengers.
During the 1910s and 1920s, automobiles gave women more personal freedom. They allowed them to drive, which was a right not afforded to women previously. During this time, there was a push for women to vote, and the automobile helped women get to polling places in a timely manner.
The automotive industry was greatly impacted by the introduction of large-scale production in the 1900s. This concept was pioneered by Ransom E. Olds at his Oldsmobile factory, and expanded upon by Henry Ford in the 1910s. During this period, many other important changes occurred in the world of automobiles, such as the introduction of electric ignition and self-starters (developed by Charles Kettering), independent suspension and four-wheel brakes.
The next major innovation in the automobile came when the Mazda Wankel engine was developed in the 1970s. This engine was an improvement over the conventional piston and crankshaft design. Since then, the Wankel engine has been widely adopted in vehicles worldwide. In addition, the development of more efficient engines has reduced fuel consumption and emissions. In the future, we can expect to see further advances in automobiles, including hybrid, electrical and autonomous vehicles. These technologies will reduce the use of traditional fossil fuels and help reduce global climate change.