Automobiles are a form of land transportation that is powered by an internal combustion engine, and most often gasoline (liquid petroleum product). There are presently about 73 million automobiles in use worldwide. Historically, cars have symbolized freedom and mobility. They have also contributed to the development of leisure activities, new businesses, and urban infrastructure. The advent of the automobile has made many aspects of modern life seem unthinkable without access to them. This is especially true for people who live in metropolitan areas, where the public transit system can be limited and inconvenient.
During the 1910s and 1920s, there was a movement for women to become equal citizens in America and drive their own cars. The automobile was one of the most powerful forces in this movement because it allowed women to travel and have a more independent lifestyle than previously possible. This was particularly important in the political arena as it encouraged women to participate in voting and other political activities which were usually reserved for men.
The first cars were built using steam, electricity, and then gas. Exactly who invented the automobile is a matter of opinion and debate. Many engineers, including Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz and Nicolaus Otto were involved in the early development of automobiles. In 1885, Benz built what was considered the first modern motorcar. This car used a three wheeled chassis with an internal combustion engine, and was able to travel thirty-five miles per hour.
Henry Ford came along after Benz and was instrumental in revolutionizing how automobiles were manufactured. He created an assembly line in his factory which helped him turn out more cars at a lower cost. This allowed middle class families to afford automobiles for the first time. This greatly changed society because it opened up many new opportunities for women.
After World War II, American manufacturers started to slash prices on their cars to gain market share. Unfortunately, engineering began to take a back seat to nonfunctional styling and fashion. As a result, the quality of automobiles deteriorated to the point where the average car in America had 24 defects. This is in stark contrast to the Japanese vehicles which were very fuel-efficient and functionally designed.
Having a car allows you to travel whenever and wherever you want. You can visit family and friends, go on vacation, or just run errands around town. In addition, if you are a professional who needs to meet clients, having your own vehicle is very beneficial. Having a car can also help you with other things, such as getting a mortgage because it shows a potential lender that you can make regular payments.
Whether you have a car or not, it is good to know the history of the automobile. It is interesting to see how the development of this technology has shaped society and culture. In the future, automobiles may continue to shape how we live. However, there are also other forms of transportation that are becoming increasingly popular such as trains and planes.